Hi I'm Austin, Founder of Catalyst Crew & The Parentpreneur Revolution

Here's some proof that our ParentPreneur Blueprint works:

They say pictures are worth a thousand words
Transformation photo of a man from out of shape to radiant
Transformation Photo of Man going from out of shape to healthy

I'm Austin

That's me in those pictures above.  The "before" pictures were me: depressed, anxious,  overindulging on alcohol, unhealthy, living unintentionally, not present.

The "after" pictures were also me: happy, present, healthy. 

Here's my story and how I went from alcoholic to running a multi-milllion dollar business, to revinenting my life (twice) in the course of a few years. 

Here's my story and why I do what I do:

After overcoming my alcohol addiction, I truly felt that the world was at my fingertips!

I started my first business 6 months after quitting alcohol and it failed - after a long, 30 days. 

2 years later, I started my second and third businesses.  

And boy was this journey a bit different than the first.  Within 18 months, I'd taken the business from $0 to multi-million dollar in revenue, another 12 months later and I had grown it to 8-Figures ($17MM in ARR). 

But this is where it gets fun - at the height of running this business, I personally cleared $1,000,000 in 1 year and had a daughter the same year. 

Two goals that I had had for myself for longer than I could remember

What I didn't expect though, was that the financial goal didn't feel good for more than a few minutes

While my business was killing it - my life had just changed dramatically, overnight. 

I was stressed, traveling, managing clients, and so much more - I was overwhelmed beyond belief

Two moments changed this forever.  Getting a text message, while sitting in the airport, with my daughter's first steps. 

The other was wathing my daughter jumping on the bed, while I was struggling horribly with anxiety to the point I wanted to check myself into the hospital. 

Since that day - it has become my mission to find peace, presence, to redefine success, redefine "providing", and to find new ways to work, learn, grow. 

Through this work, the Parentpreneur Blueprint and the Parentpreneur Revolution were born. 

Our mission? To help parents learn to start, grow, & scale their businesses so they can experience the perks of entrepreneurship. 

While also teaching them the tools and systems that will allow them to scale their way to freedom so they can go do their most important job at home. 

Come and join the Revolution - we're waiting for you. 


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